Outdoor Clothing and Gear
If you are thinking about partaking in any outdoor pursuit in Ecuador, then look no further than this magnificent shop in Quito. Equipos Cotopaxi is the official distributor of the very best brands that cater for activities such as mountaineering, camping, fishing, climbing, biking, swimming, bird-watching and canoeing.
The man in charge goes by the name of Raul Benitez, who established the business all the way back in 1972. Raul has much experience in his field, particularly mountaineering, and he knows the needs of the active life more than anyone else in the business.
The stores are well organized and have a welcoming atmosphere. The stock is pure excellence and the only concern you'll have is making a choice between all the great products on offer. Equipos Cotopaxi is well equipped to provide you with everything you need for whatever leisure activity you choose; from clothing and accessories to camping equipment, mountain bikes and backpacks. Take a look at the store's website for a full list of all the products they offer - both own-brand and international brands.
Opening Times:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 7pm